Yarnall Genealogy

Driving Forces Wm Penn Worcestershire Chester Co Aston

Land Made Available in The New World
1682 trip by Penn
Penn left for America on a sailing ship named Welcome in late August. His first stop was at New Castle. He then went on to his destination of Upland (soon to be named Chester) at the mouth of the Chester Creek where it enters the Delaware River.

His visit was to see how well his "Holy Experiment" was going. He also met with the Indians of the area and set aside land parcels for them. Penn paid the tribes for their land. He had an interesting theory about governing. Penn drew up a governing charter for his colony that authorized an elected assembly that may even have had an influence on the structure of the Constitution of the United States.

Two types of land deals offered by Penn
1. Inexpensive land for "group purchases" of 5,000 to 10,000 acres to form a township.
2. 50 acres of free land to settlers who promised to clear 10 acres and build a cottage.

Penn's program was very popular
Before 1700 about 7,000 to 10,000 people (seeking land and freedom of religion) made the two month trip from England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Wales.

In 1682 he established the three geographic divisions (counties) and named them Philadelphia, Bucks, and Chester. Other counties were added as the population increased.

Webpage that shows the expansion of the counties of Pennsylvania. Scroll down and click on PLAY to watch animated growth of counties. Use the X in the tab at the top to return to this page.

A 1683 map of part Chester County shows 76 early landowners. There were many investors who would not be coming to America. The red area of Springfield is the Yarnall 100 acres. Francis and Philip settled on 100 acres that was not free. Robert Toomer (an investor living in Worcester) sold 1000 acres of Penn's land to George Maris before he and his family went to America. The Yarnall brothers bought 100 acres from George. They came to America in 1683 on the same ship; the Bristol Comfort.
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