Willistown Map - Early 1700s
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"About 1701, some Indians of the Okehocking or Okanickon tribe, who had been living on Crum Creek, were removed by William Penn's orders and settled on a tract of land in Willistown, formerly granted to Griffith Jones, but not held by him. A warrant was granted, 15th of 10 mo., 1702, by which a tract of 500 acres was surveyed for their use so long as they or their descendants should continue to occupy it. This lay on the east side of Ridley Creek, less than a mile to the eastward of George Smedley's land and adjoining Francis Yarnall's land. After the Indians had abandoned it Amos and Mordecai Yarnall, sons of Francis, obtained patents for it, in 1738."
Source: Gilbert Cope, Smedley Family Genealogy, pg 22. See blue box below in lower left part of map.
Ridley Creek and Crum Creek are at the lower part of this map.
Map of early settlers in Willistown. Scroll down to view lower right part of map. You will see the 500 acres purchased by Francis Yarnall in 1697.
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