Yarnall Genealogy

Palm Tree Connection

You can click on any Palm name on the left to get information about that person. You can click on Florence Rohrbach for Rohrbach information. You can click on "Came to America" to see how many counties Pennsylvania had when Dr. Palm came from New Jersey.

Sometime in the early 1760s Dr. Johannes (John) Palm moved from New Jersey to a section of Lancaster County (which became Dauphin County in 1785 and Lebanon County in 1813). John Palm founded the town of Palmyra, PA when he moved there. Dr. John Palm's three marriages resulted in these children: John George Palm Jr.(a son of the first marriage), William, Peter, Jacob, Nicholas, Andrew, Mary, and Michael (7 children of his second marriage), and Tobias (only child of the third marriage). Several other children born to the family died in infancy. He was famous enough to have a web page in Wikipedia. His son Michael was born in May 1770.

Michael had a son, George, in 1790. George married around 1819. They had a son, David, in 1821.

David Palm married in 1853 and they had a son, William, in 1854/6. William married around 1880 and they had a son, Samuel, in 1882. Samuel married in 1902 and had a daughter, Mary Louise, in 1914.

The Palm ancestry joined the Yarnall ancestry when Mary Louise Palm married Thomas Vincent Yarnall in 1931. They had five children - Thomas Vincent Yarnall, Jr in 1932, Samuel Palm Yarnall in 1935, Robert Harvey Yarnall in 1937, William John Yarnall in 1942, and Sue Ann Florence Yarnall in 1944. Samuel died when he was only two months old.
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