Yarnall Genealogy

 Clues Gap Before Civil War After Civil War

William H. Yarnall - Near the End
1900 Census
"William H Yarnall" is listed in Aston, PA, head of the household, white, male, born July 1835, age 64 (I believe the birthdate and age are inaccurate because he signed a pension declaration dated July 29, 1890 showing his age as 49). My best guess is that he was born sometime after July 29th in 1840. The 1900 census in his area was taken on June 2nd. He probably was 59 years old. Other 1900 census entries indicate he was a widower, his birthplace was PA, father's birthplace was PA, and mother's birthplace was PA. The census taker recorded he was working as a weaver in a woolen mill and renting the place where he lived. Perhaps it was one of the mill homes provided for the mill workers.
His Family in the 1900 Census
Kate (his wife) was not listed in this household because she died on 1/10/1899 of pneumonia. Others listed in this census are his four children; son John (age 38), born May 1862, single, a weaver, daughter Annie L Murray a widow (age 34), born October 1865, son William H. Jr. (age 27), born February 1873, single, a loom fixer, and daughter Catherine (age 23), born January 1877, single, a bobbin winder plus Annie's three children (2 girls - Catherine age 7 and Mary age 1 and a boy - William age 4).
Additional Sources of Information
I found two directories for the City of Chester at the Delaware County Historical Society. These books listed where William H. Yarnall lived during the early 1900s. In 1902 and 1903 he lived at 502 Wilson Street. Without a census for the "between" years it is unknown if he lived alone or was a border at that address. In 2002, 502 Wilson Street was no longer standing. For some perspective we have a list of a few 1902 facts. In 1904 - 1909 he lived at 1149 Spruce Street. His occupation was listed as a moulder. That is what they called a brick maker. At 70 years of age, as I write this, I have to admire his energy. He was doing that kind of work between the ages of 64 and 69 . I retired at age 63. After that I did some work for the US Census Bureau in 2000 at age 68. I am sure my document handling work during the 2000 census was easier than his work making bricks. At the age of 80 I am making an additional entry. I also worked for the 2010 census. Lots of walking.
Information From "Cousin" Lin
Among the documents related to the Civil War that Lin Yarnall got for me was a 1903 notice that his pension was dropped. He was erroneously reported dead in 1903. This happened as he was trying for two years to obtain an increase in his pension. His situation reminds me of the time I was erroneously recorded as dead by a Social Security employee in 2000. It took me three months to get that corrected.
1910 Census
It was taken on April 15, 1910. William H is not listed. A young couple named Ferell (Charles and Annie ages 27 and 33) and their 4-month-old son (Lee) are listed in that census as residents at 1149 Spruce Street. The house was still there in 2002. In 2001 I contacted the Pennsylvania Department of Health for a death certificate. They had no record to certify his date of death. It seems it was prior to the 1910 census.
Burial Location
I was not able to find the date William H Yarnall was buried in the old cemetery (the lower part) at St Francis de Sales Church in Aston, PA (Crozerville). There were no cemetery records at the church, but I found his gravestone by walking through the cemetery. I put a GAR small flag holder next to his headstone. There are no dates on his gravemarker for either birth or death.

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